Welcome to the last room of this Episode. Now you really have to get out of the office building. In this puzzle, you will have to go through pretty much all of the previous rooms to gather the materials for escape. We have provided you with the most detailed and easy to follow walkthrough. You will be able to breakout of this room in no time.
First of all, you will start your item gathering from the entertainment room.
1. Pick up the hammer on the table.
Next, head back to the hallway and to the kitchen to pick up more items.
2. Pick up a knife on the table.
3. Get the wine bottle opener.
4. Use the knife to cut a piece of curtain. You will trigger a mini game.
Head out from the kitchen, through the hallway into the closet.
Pick up everything inside the room.
5. Get a wire nip inside the drawer.
6. Obtain a hanger from the clothing rack.
7. Get the diamond ring necklace from the display.
8. Take out your knife again and cut another piece of curtain.
Head into the office again.
9. Take out your knife and cut another piece of the curtain from the mini game.
Now you have obtained everything you need. Head back to the entertainment room.
Combine the wire nick with the hanger to obtain a piece of wire.
10. Check the electrical breaker and place the wire inside.
11. Turn on the disco light.
12. Turn off the light inside the room to see the patter better. Remember to turn the light back on.
13. Check the wine holder lock and input the light pattern code as the disco light.
14. Grab the red wine.
Combine the redwine with the bottle opener to obtain a bottle cork. Notice the marking on there says 1111
15. Use the code 1111 to unlock the window.
16. Use the diamond necklace to crack the window first. Then use the hammer to break a hole in the window. Then, combine all the curtain pieces that you have obtained. Place the curtain by the window hole. And make your grand escape from the mission! (Or not)!