If you are stuck and cannot escape from the rooms in Escape Action, we have the solution for you. Use our walkthrough guides to help you beat all the stages. Please leave comments if you still have a hard time passing the levels.
Level 41
Level 42
Level 43
Level 44
Level 45
Escape Action Level 41
Cut the map into two pieces to reveal the clue. The next screen shows a musical notes. Tap the drums in this order to unlock the room and escape.
3 Taps on drum #2
1 Tap on drum #4
2 Taps on drum #1
1 Tap on drum #3
1 Tap on drum #1
Escape Action Level 42
This stage can be tricky if you do not know how to do it. Simply adjust the clock by tapping and rotating the clock hands. Adjust the clock time on screen to match the “real world” mobile device time. Once the time matches exactly, the door will open automatically for you to escape.
Escape Action Level 43
The images on the left and right doors are mirror images. Your job is to figure out the number of differences between them. By flipping the image over you will find the top image to have two differences, and the bottom image has 3 different parts. Make the top switch “2” and bottom switch “3” to unlock the door. You have escaped!
Escape Action Level 44
Remove all the leaves using your finger swipes. Observe the colored button quantities. Tap the colored buttons based upon the number of buttons in the middle. You will need to tap the following:
1 Tap on Top Left (Yellow)
1 Tap on Top Right (Red)
1 Tap on Bottom Left (Green)
3 Taps on Bottom Right (Blue)
You can escape after the wall opens when you finish the tapping sequence.
Escape Action Level 45
This is a very tough challenge room that is impossible to achieve without the extension. Your best bet is to buy the infinity time extension and take your time to slice the blocks. It should note however if you want to try to pass it without powerup, slicing multiple blocks in one spot gives you bonus points. Slicing a gear will deduct 10 points.
Make your life easier by just buying the time limit extension. And you can pass this crazy stage effortlessly.