Arriving in Autstralia, you have to go around the room solving puzzles to help you escape the room. The desk has many compartments where important cluess are hidden.
Below is a complete walkthrough. If you want to pass the level without going through the complete game play, jump to the Fast Short-Cut Cheat.
1. Pillow: Look under pillow on sofa. Grab a fishing pole.
2. Coffee Table: Retrieve a piece of paper from the ashtray.
3. Planter: Pick up a key from the planter.
4. Fish Tank: Clean the dirty key using the fish tank.
5. Drawers: Go over to the desk. Use the key to open the middle drawer. Get a roll of strings. Open top drawer. Grab a scissors. Cut a piece of the string using the scissors. Put the string on the fishing pole.
6. Fishing: Go back to the fish tank. Use the fishing pole to catch a fish. Notice a card stuck on the fish. Overlay the card on top of the piece of paper. Get password: 6582.
7. Cabinet: Go back to the desk. Locate a lock. Enter password: 6582. Open the cabinet door. Grab a computer hard drive.
8. Laptop: Insert hard drive into the laptop. Solve the puzzle on the screen by rotating each puzzle piece until the image below emerges. Notice the color bars that appear: Yellow, Purple, Green, Red.
9. Safe: Locate safe on the bottom layer of desk. Enter color combination: Yellow, Purple, Green, Red. You have found the door key.
10. Door: Open the door with door key. Continuing your adventure.
Fast Short-Cut Cheat
Go to the desk. Locate a number lock. Enter password: 6582. Open the cabinet door. Check out the safe at the bottom layer. Enter color combination: Yellow, Purple, Green, Red. Grab the door key. Unlock the front door. You have escaped.