Can You Escape Adventure Level 8

You have arrived at a Cuban cafe. You will need to light up the dark room in order to find clues to help you escape.

Can You Escape Adventure Level 8 Walkthrough
1. Cigar: Grab the cigar from the ashtray. Get the baseball bat against the wall.
Can You Escape Adventure Level 8 cigar
2. Vase: Smash the vase with baseball bat. Retrieve a electrical ballast.
Can You Escape Adventure Level 8 vase Can You Escape Adventure Level 8 ballast
3. Lamp: Pick up the lamp hanging next to the door. Light up the lamp with cigar.
Can You Escape Adventure Level 8 lamp Can You Escape Adventure Level 8 light lamp

Can You Escape Adventure Level 8 lamp lighted
4. Shadow: Place the lamp in the shadow.
Can You Escape Adventure Level 8 illuminate shadow Can You Escape Adventure Level 8 shadow light up
5. Power: Fix the electrical panel by insert the electrical ballast.
Can You Escape Adventure Level 8 electrical panel
6. String Lights: Turn on the string lights by tapping on each light bulb in the following order: Green(right), Purple, Red, Blue, Green(left), Yellow.
Can You Escape Adventure Level 8 string lights
7. Bottles: Fill the bottles on the counter to the dashed line. One of tricks is to notice that each bottle leaks at different rate. First, fill the left bottle to the top. Then, fill the middle bottle and right bottle to the dashed line respectively. When all liquid level falls on the dashed line, a secret compartment will open. Grab the door key.
Can You Escape Adventure Level 8 bottles
8. Door: Use the door key to unlock the door. Escape through the open door.
Can You Escape Adventure Level 8 insert door key Can You Escape Adventure Level 8 open door

Can You Escape Adventure Level 8 escaped

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