In Can You Escape Adventure Level 13, you have successfully find the entrance to the tomb. However more obstacles are on your way before you reach the inner room where tomb is located. You find yourself in a chamber with more dead bodies. Use the clues to solve the puzzle and continue with your adventure.
1. Shovel: Grab a shovel. Notice a baby dragon statue with a green triangle.
2. Stone Ball: Dig a hole in the dirt. Retrieve a stone ball. Notice another baby dragon statue with a red circle.
3. Axe: Locate and grab an axe. Notice a baby dragon with blue square.
4. Dragon Statue: Place the stone ball in the dragon eye socket. Three squares on the dragon body will illuminate in different color: Red, blue, green. Change the symbol on each square to match the clues that you have found. The dragon mouth will open. Get a stone carved tile.
5. Stone Wall: Go over to the stone wall. Use the axe to clear the branches and let the sunshine in. Discover a clue of dots arranged in a X shape. Insert stone carved tile into the empty spot. Look closely at the tile. You have found a puzzle. Rearrange the gold coins to form a X shape. Push to the wall. An opening will appear. Continue with your journey.