World Escape Level 4

Level 4 of World Escape is located in a Brazilian living room. Help serving the coffee and you will be surprise to see what you can find.
World Escape Level4 Walkthrough
1. Wrench: Go over to the desk. Open second drawer on the left. Grab a wrench.
World Escape Level4 wrench
2. Barrel: Use the wrench to open the barrel at the corner of the room. Notice a soccer ball painted in three colors: Yellow, Purple, Red.
World Escape Level4 unlock barrel World Escape Level4 open barrel

World Escape Level4 soccer ball
3. Magnet: Go back to the desk. Take a look at the bottom drawer on the left. Enter color combination: Yellow, Purple, Red. Open the drawer. Retrieve a magnet.
World Escape Level4 bottom drawer World Escape Level4 color combination

World Escape Level4 magnet
4. Couch: Pick up a lighter under the pillow.
World Escape Level4 lighter
5. Under the Couch: Retrieve a stick.
World Escape Level4 stick
6. Key: Go back to the barrel. Combine the stick and the magnet. Get a key from the barrel.
World Escape Level4 back to barrel World Escape Level4 combine

World Escape Level4 use magnet World Escape Level4 get key
7. Desk: Go back to the desk. Unlock the cabinet door. Get a cup.
World Escape Level4 open cabinet World Escape Level4 cup
8. Shelf: Get a jar of coffee from the top shelf.
World Escape Level4 coffee
9. Stove: Place the coffee in the pot. Light up the stove using the lighter. Pour the coffee into the cup.
World Escape Level4 coffee jar World Escape Level4 light the stove

World Escape Level4 place cup World Escape Level4 pour coffee
10. Coffee Table: Empty the coffee into a bigger cup. Grab a napkin. Clean the bottom of the cup. Get password: 1514.
World Escape Level4 empty cup World Escape Level4 napkin

World Escape Level4 clean cup World Escape Level4 get password
11. Safe: Go back to the open cabinet. Locate a safe. Enter password: 1514. Get the door key.
World Escape Level4 safe World Escape Level4 combination

World Escape Level4 enter combination World Escape Level4 get door key
12. Door: Insert Door key. The door is open. You have escaped!
World Escape Level4 unlock door World Escape Level4 escaped

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