Escape the Prison Room Level 1

Follow our walkthrough guide for Escape the Prison Room Level 1 to uncover the hidden passcode on the mirror and escape the prison room.

Below is a complete walkthrough. If you want to pass the level without going through the complete game play, jump to the Fast Short-Cut Cheat.
Escape the Prison Room Level1 walkthrough
1. Cloth: Take the blue cloth on the hanger.
Escape the Prison Room Level1 cloth
2. Mirror: Wipe the mirror several times with blue cloth until a passcode reveals.
Escape the Prison Room Level1 mirror Escape the Prison Room Level1 hidden passcode
3. Safe: Locate a safe next to the bed. Unlock the safe with passcode from the mirror. Open the safe and retrieve a key.
Escape the Prison Room Level1 safe Escape the Prison Room Level1 key
4. Ball and Chain: A ball and chain is attached to the foot of the bed. Use the key to remove unlock the chain.
Escape the Prison Room Level1 ball and chain
5. Wall: Go over to the table. Use the ball and chain to hit the wall several times until a set of passcode is revealed.
Escape the Prison Room Level1 wall Escape the Prison Room Level1 passcode
6. Door: Use the passcode from the wall to unlock the front door. You have escaped!
Escape the Prison Room Level1 door Escape the Prison Room Level1 escape

Fast Short-Cut Cheat

Skip steps 1-5. Enter passcode from step 6 to unlock the door and escape.

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