Again, you have travel through the portal. You wake up in a cave. The door is guarded with a demon. Find a way to open the door and escape.
1. Spear: Pick up spear from the ground.
2. Sword: Grab the sword on the wall.
3. Worm: Find and get a worm between the rocks.
4. Demon: Grab the earring from the demon sculpture.
5. Fishing: Use the sword to cut off the rope on the stick. Assemble the fish pole in the following order:
– Tie the rope to the spear
– Put the hook/earring on rope
– Place the bait/worm on the hook
Once assembled, catch the fish in the stream.
6. Monster: Notice a monster’s paw sticking out a hole. Give the fish to the monster. Retrieve a key.
7. Puzzle: A strange puzzle in sitting on the floor. Notice the tiles on the inner circles are consist of circles and half circles. For this puzzle, assume square is counterpart of a circle, and triangle is counterpart of a half-circle. Change the tiles on the outer circle. Solution as shown in the image below. Grab the box below the puzzle. Unlock the box with the key. Get a goblet.
8. Stream: Fill the goblet with water.
9. Door: Splash the water on the demon sculpture. The door is open. You have escaped.