Can You Escape Tower Level 12

As you further explore the tower, you are situated in a green house with a water fountain and exotic plants. There are more secret to this garden then it appears.
Can You Escape Tower Level12 Walkthrough
1. Table: Grab the candle and a rotten apple.
Can You Escape Tower Level12 candle and apple
2. Plant with Teeth: Locate a Venus flytrap. Feed the plant your rotten apple. The mouth will open. Get a wooden stick from inside.
Can You Escape Tower Level12 flytrap Can You Escape Tower Level12 wooden stick
3. Candle: Light the candle with candle sticks on the shelf.
Can You Escape Tower Level12 light candle
4. Tree Hole: Use the lighted candle to illuminate and help you look into a dark tree hole. Retrieve a clock face.
Can You Escape Tower Level12 tree hole Can You Escape Tower Level12 clock face
5. Podium: Put clock face on the surface. Then place the wooden stick in the center. You have just assemble a sun dial. Read the clock. Get time: 8:30.
Can You Escape Tower Level12 podium Can You Escape Tower Level12 place clock face

Can You Escape Tower Level12 sundial
6. Locked Box: Go back to the table. There is a locked box with a clock on the cover. Adjust the time to 8:30. Open the box. Get a gardening scissors.
Can You Escape Tower Level12 locked box Can You Escape Tower Level12 time

Can You Escape Tower Level12 scissors
7. Piping: Check out the piping on the wall. Use the gardening scissors to remove the overgrown plant vines. Solve the puzzle. Your goal is to connect the pipes from beginning to end. Tap on one piece and then a second piece will allow you to swap the two pieces location. Solution as shown in the image below.
Can You Escape Tower Level12 vines Can You Escape Tower Level12 pipe flow
8. Fountain: The water fountain is drained once you connect the pipes. Grab the door key.
Can You Escape Tower Level12 door key
9. Trapdoor: Use the door key to unlock the padlock on the trapdoor. You have escaped!
Can You Escape Tower Level12 trapdoor padlock Can You Escape Tower Level12 escaped

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