World Escape Level 12

Continuing on your adventure, you have arrived at a American living room. Basketball and trophy are your keys to escape in this basketball lover’s room.

Below is a complete walkthrough. If you want to pass the level without going through the complete game play, jump to the Fast Short-Cut Cheat.
World Escape Level12 Walkthrough
1. Sofa: Look under the pillow. Grab a plastic handle.
World Escape Level12 pillow
2. Vase: Check out the flower vase. Get a blade. Now you have a working screwdriver.
World Escape Level12 flower vase
3. Photo Frame: Use the screwdriver to open the back of the photo frame. Get a key.
World Escape Level12 use screwdriver World Escape Level12 key
4. Chest Drawer: Unlock the second drawer with the key. Retrieve a pair of scissors. Open top drawer. Grab a cable wire.
World Escape Level12 drawers World Escape Level12 scissors

World Escape Level12 cable wire
5. Cabinet: Pick up the basketball. Deflate the ball with scissors. Get a cabinet handle. Place the cabinet handle on the cabinet door. Open the cabinet. Get a joystick controller.
World Escape Level12 basketball World Escape Level12 deflate ball

World Escape Level12 cabinet handle World Escape Level12 insert handle

World Escape Level12 open cabinet World Escape Level12 joystick controller
6. Dart Board: Check out the dart board. Remember the location for each number: 7, 20,13.
World Escape Level12 dart board
7. Calender: Go over to the computer desk. Take a look at the calender. Notice the date on the bottom: 20/7/2013.
World Escape Level12 calender
8. Trophy: Combine two pieces of clues. Change the dials on the trophy to the location as shown below. Get a CD.
World Escape Level12 trophy World Escape Level12 dials

World Escape Level12 CD
9. Computer: Place the CD in the game console. Attach cable wire to the monitor. Point your joystick controller to the screen. Play the game appear on the screen. Remove all four bars and let the basketballs drop. Count the number of basketballs in each hole. Get password: 2431. Use the telephone next to the computer. Dial number 2431#. You have found the door key.
World Escape Level12 computer desk World Escape Level12 game console

World Escape Level12 insert cable wire World Escape Level12 moniter

World Escape Level12 insert joystick controller World Escape Level12 basketball game

World Escape Level12 remove bars World Escape Level12 count basketballs

World Escape Level12 telephone World Escape Level12 dial

World Escape Level12 door key
10. Door: Open the door with door key. You have escaped!
World Escape Level12 insert door key World Escape Level12 escaped

Fast Short-Cut Cheat

Locate telephone on the computer desk. Enter number 2431#. The door key will reveal. Open the door. Exit the room.