The Journey Down Chapter 1 Walkthrough Guides

Welcome to The Journey Down Chapter 1: Over the Edge walkthrough Guides. Bwana and Kito operate a gas and charter station in Kingsport Bay. In this chapter, the brothers are hired by Lina. Bwana will go on an exciting mission to rebuild their airplane using his creativity. Unknowing the imminent danger that they are about to face and the mystery that they are about to reveal about their adoptive father’s past.

Our walkthrough will guide you through each section fast and easy. The guide is separated into parts. Each part you will need to use available resources to gather a missing airplane parts. Our guides provide a step-by-step walkthrough to collect essential items and information. Hope you find our guide helpful and enjoy the game!

Use the Kingsport Bay area map to navigate between locations.
The Journey Down Ch1 Kingsport Bay Area Map

Part 1: Kaonandodo’s Gas ‘N’ Charter

Part 2: Propeller

Part 3: Engine

Part 4: Steering Wheel

Part 5: Anchor

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