Can you Escape is the latest hit game for the escape game genre. If you are stuck with any of the puzzles, we are here to help you. Use this easy to read walkthrough to guide you through Level 1 of Can You Escape.
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1. Check the treasure box first and you will see a scrambled picture. Tap on the individual pieces to complete the picture. After completing the picture, you can grab a drawer handle.
2. Use the Drawer handle to open the drawer. You will be able to obtain a screw driver.
3. Check the photo on the wall to get a clue for the code 1915
4. Use the screw driver to open up the plate to the safe. Then use the code 1915 to open the safe.
After opening the safe, grab the key inside.
5. Insert the key into the lock by the elevator.
6. Escape from the room!