In this stage, you are trapped in a kitchen. The door is locked. The key is not to be found in the plain sight. The fire place has more secret than it seems.
1. Poker: Go over to the fireplace. Pick up a poker and a stack of fire wood.
2. Painting: Locate painting on top of the fireplace. Solve the puzzle by rotating each piece to complete the painting. A secret compartment will reveal. use the poker to remove the brick. Retrieve a dagger.
3. Book: Go over to the shelf. Find a book. Turn the book over. Use the dagger to remove a cover. Get a scroll displaying four directional arrows. Notice the image of a banana with markings.
4. Table: Check out the table top. Rotate the pots and pans so that their handles match the directional arrows on the scroll. Get a box of matches.
5. Fireplace: Place fire woods in the fireplace. Lit up the woods with matches revealing an image of a purple dot and markings.
6. Saw: Pick up a saw on top of the shelf.
7. Chair: Use the saw to remove a wooden stick from the chair. Look under the red cloth. Notice a drawing of strawberry and markings.
8. Wine Barrel: Check out the wine barrel underneath the table. Insert wooden stick as the handle. Turn the handle. Wine will dispense onto the ground revealing a image of a green dot and markings.
9. Locked box: Return to the painting on the wall. Check out the locked box inside the hole. The combination lock consists of four hats. Recall all the images and markings you see throughout the room. The image can be deciphered as the color of the hat. Each markings consist of four lines. Of the four lines, one of the lines is longer. The long line shows the place in the combination lock. Summary as below. Enter the color combination. Retrieve the door key.
1st Hat = Yellow (Banana)
2nd Hat = Red (Strawberry)
3rd Hat = Green (Green Dot)
4th Hat = Purple (Purple Dot)
10. Door: Use the door key to unlock the door. You have escaped!